On us- a generation with low EQs
The long hours of phone call yesterday night makes me really exhausted and the yoga this brings me back to life again. It is a painful experience to learn your friend is suffering and you can not help her out. I guess the emotional questions are always difficult to deal with, no matter how high your IQ is. We talked through her problem with bf and job hunting, and it seemed that we all tried to figure it out in a quite rational way, in a analytical way, and in a emotionaless way. In the end, I asked her, "do you know what other people do in this kind of situation?" She replied in such an interesting way. "You see, I know a person who responses without much reasoning. Once he learned about my relationship with my ex bf and our breakup, he began to hate all Chinese people, Chinse cusine and even Chinese vingar. That's what people usually do." We laughed and the answer was that simple!
All though I had never experienced a really relationship, but I understood that she was in such a struggle and many of her career decisions wer affected by her emotional turbulance recently. The big problem is you can never control this kind of stuff, especially when you do not have much experience in the battle field for love and lust. I used to believe we were all belong to the intellectual type and we could think things through. In her words, we use our head instead of our heart all the time. There is a dangour here, that is, we can be easily touched but don't know really how to play the game of love. I think she made a right decision to quit the battle because she can not win anything from it, but still she got hurt. We have been friends for such a long time (about 16 to 17 years), but she still not felt comfortable to talk with me about her relationship which makes me very sad. Maybe we should open our mind earlier and that will make our lives much easier. Or maybe we should learn earlier to talk and discuss our problems, even thouse painful ones.
She mentioned almost none of our old pals had any luck in love. Most of us are single and work hard. It is true in the sense that we are prohibited to know love when we are in middle schools and high schools, but I don't think that is the only reason that we don't have the ability to love and be loved. The cult of not speaking of love and affection in our homes and in schools is growing out of our youth time in late 1980s and 1990s. Even though we read all the stuffs by Wang Shuo, Wang Meng, even Qiong Yao and Yi Shu, we dared to practice none. There are so many invisible lines around us, so many taboos. Once we get use to them, we are not even aware of their existence and their impacts. In this sense, we internalize them. It is funny because we were also deeply influenced also by the whole idea of "romantic love" in both the traditoinal western literature and Chinese literature. So the combination of these two streams is a generation of us, who don't pay any attention to the femism aspect of our body and mind, who dream about soul mate all the time, and who are so low in EQ. I don't want to victimize us as the sacrifice of certain social culture environment. But it is a tragedy of our education and our times.
In the spirit of sport.
Played squash with David and I really wored out after an hour and half. He tried to show me all the tricks and that was just simply too much! I used every bit of my energy and I felt great afterward. Sport is a strange activity. It keeps you high and sperates you from the real world, just like the movie does. However, it doesn't disturb your emotion, but occupies all your body and mind. It takes effort to master and it rewards you with more demanding tasks. It stimulates your spirit, but guarentees no success. Nevertheless, it makes life wonderful!
Yevgeny Plushenko won the gold, but I think he was not as good as in Salt Lake city. Maybe becoming great always makes people conservative. What I love for him is his passion for skating, not technical perfection.
It is a incredible sunny day today! People start to wear shorts and sunglass, while the snow are still pilling on the side of street corner. It melts so fast and creats many little creeks along the sidewalk. I have the impression that I were walking in the wild, and in fact I am justing going down the riverside park. Dogs like snow and they smell it and taste it and walk on it, they do all bunch of things people want to do but dare not. The mentality of dog is more playful and carefree, and I guess they enjoy life more than us as well. They surf on the surface of happiness, which we forget long time ago.
生活的时针不为任何一个人逆转。早上醒来的时候,又觉得阳光的可喜和生命的甜美。在实验室里发呆的时候,发觉自己正在享受着幸福和存在的滋味。 可是转念一想,就在觉得幸福的这一刹那死去也没有什么不好,浮士德不就是在那个瞬间超脱了这个世界?
从来没觉得读书是一件苦事,可是现在开始觉得了。读书读到第二十二年的头上,才发觉自己也许不是读书的料。小时候哥哥不喜欢读书经常挨打,现在我不喜欢读书,也没人打我,还能一个人闲逛,可见世界的不公。我现在读书觉得辛苦,一个人在没有尽头的跑道上挣扎,实在没有太大的意思。我这个人胸无大志,没有救全人类于水火之中的勇气和责任感,可是又不甘于寂寞和碌碌无为。所以就像朋友说得那样,每天都不敢松一口气,停下来往沙发上一躺,看电视打发时间。我就怕这心里的一口真气散了,我就真的再也没有勇气学习了。我就是自己的刀俎,我也是自己的鱼肉。在这个物价奇贵的城市里,我知道自己的每一分钟都是昂贵的。 快毕业吧,我祈祷!
生命的声音 续
我本来是一个不信神佛的人,但是生活本身往往比戏剧更精彩,让你不得不相信,冥冥之中自有一个高于你的存在,在安排着我们的命运。姥姥一生辛劳,妈妈也一样,可是她们都忍耐着,辛苦的活着。可是男人们没有那么坚强,姥爷六十六岁过世,现在已有21年了。父亲过世时,妈妈也不过五十四岁。而这个舅舅,不过退休几年,还没怎么享到晚福。 人的生命真是脆弱,走的时候咔嘣一声,就把几十年的爱恨情仇一起抛开了。
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