

Best group picture I ever saw


老六 (http://pigu6.yculblog.com/)和王晓峰老师(www.wangxiaofeng.net)的互为表里,把北京糜烂的文人生活入木三分的表现出来,让人只有流口水的份儿。老六自己的《读库》是阳春白雪,而他对于京剧,具体地说是张火丁老师的痴迷,让所有的戏盲艳羡和嫉妒。具体地说,按摩乳说他可以忍受别人比他强,但是不能忍受别人比他贱。嘻嘻!他的《迷火记》,《济南行》,以及之前我转载的《关于毛片的记忆》,都是佳作。此处又转载她《济南行》的图片。张火丁老师的《锁麟囊》。


拥抱真是个奇怪的东西,明明靠的那么近,却看不见彼此的脸……(转载请注明天涯社区开心乐园) 辛苦了大半辈子,终于在北京郊区买了套房子,交款那天我流着泪用颤抖的手掏出手机准备告诉家里人,谁知开机画面却显示:河北移动欢迎您……(水木社区)


Today you mentioned Shunryu Suzuki's book , Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind, and I decided to read it once I have time. The last book from you, "Take a Step No Matter How Small: Yoga for Depression", I liked it very much. It is simple, but with lots of meanings.
You must have a good laugh when you saw I could not able to manage to do the "flying position", as I named it, in today's class. The good news was I felt really good when I did the shoulderstand, I felt steady and straight.
I am kind of very slow in learning, especially when I have to learn new sports. You help me with those "impossible positions" which I really appreciate, such as the headstand and upward facing dog post. Am I particually aweful in some positions, what makes you laugh when you see me in those uncomfortable twists?
You always make us laugh in class, that is dangeous for some positions! Your hands are always cold, but your elbows are warm, why? When you bent your leg backwards today, I can not help thinking you might be a robot rather than a human being, aren't you?

Holy Madness and Halloween Extravaganza

Once I visited the Rubin Museum of Art and encountered a very interesting exhibition, titled “Holy Madness”. The exhibition introduced several extraordinary saints in couple of Indian religions (including Buddhism and Bon-- Bon was the indigenous religion of Tibet that, when partly absorbed by the Buddhist traditions introduced from India in the 8th century, gave Tibetan Buddhism much of its distinctive character). Those individuals achieved enlightment through their uncommon behavior and personal philosophy—the mundane world is never of their concerns. In the western tradition, there is similar trace of thoughts. 从酒神迪奥尼索斯(Dionysus, the Thracian god of wine, represents not only the intoxicating power of wine, but also its social and beneficial influences. He is viewed as the promoter of civilization, a lawgiver, and lover of peace — as well as the patron deity of agriculture and the theater. He was also known as the Liberator (Eleutherios), freeing one from one's normal self, by madness, ecstasy, or wine) 到苏格拉底,对于尼采而言,神圣的癫狂和理性一样都是西方文明的底蕴。神圣的癫狂在历史和文学的传统中屡见不鲜。歌德的《浮士德》是对于情感最真挚的思考,也是对于理性狂迷的反思。比才的《卡门》,虽然在歌剧中是一出名剧,但是多数的批评如同对于梅里美原著的批评一样,偏重于对个人爱情悲剧的探讨,而忽略了神圣的癫狂在其中地体现。
《卡门》的故事情节简洁,人物性格看似非常鲜明,以下是维基百科全书的简单介绍:”Carmen is a French opera by Georges Bizet. The libretto was written by Meilhac and Halévy, based on the story of the same title by Prosper Mérimée. The story concerns the eponymous Carmen, a beautiful gypsy with a fiery temper. Not careful with her love, she is responsible for the downfall of many men. She woos the corporal Don José, leading him to mutiny against his superior. His infatuation causes him to join a band of smugglers, of which Carmen is a member. He is happy with Carmen for a brief period, but is driven to madness when she turns from him to the bullfighter Escamillo…… Because Bizet shied away from the traditional image of an operatic femme-fatale, Carmen became a difficult character to understand (or portray on stage). She is fatalistic and hedonistic, living entirely in the present moment. Her beauty unintentionally entraps men, who are then led to their downfall by their own misguided ideas of love. Carmen's character is best illustrated in the card-playing scene, in which she accepts the premonition of death as unavoidable” 。
《卡门》中的两个主人公各执一端,都是固执到了顶点。卡门信仰爱的自由和笃信命运之说,不肯为了生命而屈从于他人的意志。对于她而言,如果命运已经注定,那么她坦然接受死亡的安排,但是她拒绝接受违心的爱情。她对于爱和自由的执著已经近于癫狂的境地,她不能也不愿意接受任何的妥协。她的疯狂源于对于被禁锢的女性地位的恐惧、对于自由的渴望,以及对于爱情的极度渴望和不信任。一曲《爱情是只自由鸟》将她的性格刻画得入木三分,曲中唱到“爱情就像是个吉普赛孩子,他永远也学不会循规蹈矩”。以她的性格,大概也只有《弄臣》中的公爵可以匹配,此公也有歌云《善变的女人》(La Donna E Mobile)。唐何塞的疯狂不亚于卡门,他对于爱情的理解简单至极,爱情对他而言和军队无异,不过是服从和被服从的关系,只有忠诚和不忠诚两种选择。与其说他为了卡门,还不如说他为了自己的欲望,选择了背叛。他背叛了自己从前的爱人、母亲和家庭、军队和荣誉。而他却要求卡门绝对的忠诚,丝毫不能忍受被背叛的痛苦。他的癫狂来自于他极度的自私和占有欲,没有任何理性和感性的基础。他对于卡门的爱情,不如说是他对于自己对卡门爱情的爱情。他的癫狂是人类欲望的展开,是悲剧性的人性侧面,亦即所谓的欲壑难填。用张爱玲的话来讲,他对于米塞拉和卡门的选择不过是对于白玫瑰和红玫瑰的选择—如果选择了白玫瑰,日子久了,不过是衣物上干瘪的饭粒;如果选择了红玫瑰,日子久了,也不过是墙上的一滩蚊子血。但是,一旦他失去了选择的地位,变成了被动的一方,他就难以忍受了,愤怒了,杀人了。真真的没有一点儿意思。难怪朋友看完了《卡门》,长叹一声,感慨下辈子要做个男人,此言不虚!
血色笼罩的祭坛上,管风琴突然发出巨大的颤音,演出开始了。管风琴的演奏者是著名的音乐家Ralph Lee, 所以整场演出就以他的名字命名。他用音乐为默片伴奏,呈现出老恐怖片最好的效果。今晚演出的电影是1922年的Nosferatu (F. W. Murnau's Nosferatu (1922), the earliest important screen adaptation of Bram Stoker's 1897 novel Dracula. Murnau's version of the story is an allegorical tale about a love triangle formed by a young married couple and a vampire. The movie isn't scary in a panic-inducing sort of way, but it is eerie, unsettling, and haunting)。这个电影现在看起来更像是一部搞笑片,因为其中的恐怖情节在现在的观众眼里有点太小儿科了。有趣的是,因为好久没看过无声电影了,所以觉得好像在阅读一部电影而不是看电影。荧幕上过于舞台化的表演没有让人觉得做作,反而增添了幽默的元素。好人就是好人,魔鬼就是魔鬼,一清二楚,明明白白。与现在电影含混、模糊、复杂而不知所云的风格相比,1922 年的导演和演员们真是天使。
最令我诧异的管风琴能表现出如此丰富的内容和情感。Lee 不仅随着情节的展开,用不同的旋律来描述主人公的情感和反映,而且善于营造由于语言的缺失电影所缺少的气氛。虽然没有色彩和语言,我不仅没觉得影片缺少了任何东西,相反地,音乐带来了意想不到的充实感觉。管风琴善于演奏幻想曲(fantacy)和回旋曲,影片一开始,新婚夫妇二人的甜蜜世界就从连绵不绝的乐音中铺展开来。随着故事的展开,音乐开始变得阴暗和寒冷。我转过头,凝视着血红色的祭坛,天空一样高的穹顶,若隐若现的吊灯的微光,一切都真实的像梦境一样。管风琴发出的巨大声音在空气中震动着,我甚至能感到背后墙面的振颤。巨大的悲悯和恐惧通过乐音送入每个观看者的耳和心,带给人难以置信地感动和眩晕。是的,简直就是眩晕的感觉。好像不是你在倾听管风琴的演奏,而是有人把你至于管风琴巨大的音箱当中,让你随着乐器的振颤而振颤,让你的头脑陷入了神圣的癫狂状态当中。电影中年轻的妻子再也无法忍受吸血鬼的诱惑,从床上爬起来,要求丈夫向教授求援。她的丈夫走后,吸血鬼到来了,一瞬间观众们如释重负。随着雄鸡的啼鸣,吸血鬼因为吸食了这个纯洁女人的鲜血而死去。有点过于简单的结局,索性导演没有过于的煽情。电影结束了。


Gilda or Anna

This season, Met Opera has a new production of Rigoletto and I went yesterday for its season premier. Met is famous for Enrico Caruso’s version of Rigoletto where he played the Duke of Mantua. In this season, Met introduces a new conductor Friedrich Haider and Juan Pons plays the Jester and Joseph Calleja has his debute as the Duke. As usual, the splendid night at Met always makes me nervous. However, I am luck enough to have two queers as my neighbors and their non-stopping talking made the intermissions bearable. Yesterday New Jersey court just announced same-sex couple would enjoy the same right as hetero-sex couple, and CNN took it as breaking news. This was certainly a side point. I had some ideas about the storyline and the program notes gave detailed description of the production of the original opera. The story by Verdi was adopted from Victor Hugo’s play. As it was suggested, Verdi was more of a humanistic in nature while Hugo openly criticized the class structure. So Verdi’s adaptation changed the location and names of the play, but kept the major storyline and the core theme of the play—the curse upon the jester, who was cold and cruel outside but very compassionate inside. According to wikipedia: “ Rigoletto is an opera in three acts by Giuseppe Verdi. The Italian libretto was written by Francesco Maria Piave based on the play Le roi s'amuse by Victor Hugo. It was first performed at La Fenice in Venice on March 11, 1851. According to Opera America, Rigoletto is now North America's ninth most performed opera.” A hit from start, Rigoletto was a tragedy full of tension. The double role of Rigoletto as a loving father and as a “fool” in the court gradually leads to his ruins. The Duke is portrayed as a womanizer who never takes women or love seriously. However, in the very process of pursuing Gilda, Rigoletto’s beautiful daughter, he finds his real compassion. Once he finds Gilda is abducted from Rigoletto’s house, he regrets he lose the only chance in his life that might have convert him into a honest man for love. Ekaterina Siurina gave a wonderful performance as Gilda, the innocent mind full of love. The structure of the play is simple, a story of a dishonored father who seeks just revenge but fails. However, Verdi and Piave (who wrote the libretto) refused to give their figures a simple identity but rather put them into dilemma—who were both victims and criminals. Rigoletto participated the Duke’s conspiracy of wooing other women and his own daughter was disgraced by the Duke. The Duke could have the chance to start a meaningful life because of his love for Gilda, however, he gave it up for his lust for her body. Gilda was guilty of blind love for the Duke and was suffered when she observed the Duke seduced Maddalena. The trick of the play is not only the curse of Count Monterone whose daughter the Duke had dishonoured, but also the issue of identity. Gilda constantly asked her father about the real family name and history of her family, about her mother, and who her father really was. Rigoletto refused to answer and could not answer. He was suffering because of his fate as a humpback and a ruthless entertainer in Duke’s court. He was a man without name. The Duke who disguised himself before Gilda was also a man without real identity. He flirted and chased the skirts without knowing his own purpose. His love was shallow and superficial because his love was without a cause. In the end of the play, Gilda decided to sacrificed herself for the life of the Duke, her lover. Rigoletto could not bear the pain of losing his daughter and lamented “the curse!” by her body. I can not help thinking about another movie, Immortality, directed by Po-Chih Leong. In the film, Jude Law played a ruthless vampire who took women’s love and life. He falled in love with Anna and he believed her perfect love for him would save him from the fate of vampire. The most touching scene for me was the morning after they get up, Steven (jude law) started a portrait for Anne with one hand and wrote a love poetry for her with other hand. Nevertheless, when the moment of truth came, Steven decided to kill Anne to save his own life. Anne refused to sacrifice herself for his sake and she tried to kill herself rather than being killed by Steven. Steven gave it up in the end and died in his own chamber. Before he died, he finally found peace in his mind and he did not have to worry about how to survive anymore. In his last breathe, he found the pleasure of letting go. Gilda and Anne make different choice and the men they loved are evil. Maybe it is because the time is changed and our values change as well. Will you choose to play Gilda or Anne when you meet your evil man?


Match Point

Wikipedia introduction about Match Point (2005, Woody Allan)

"The story is a fable about the role that luck plays in determining everyone's destiny. As protagonist Chris Wilton notes in an opening voice-over: The man who said "I'd rather be lucky than good" saw deeply into life. People are afraid to face how great a part of life is dependent on luck. It's scary to think so much is out of one's control. There are moments in a match when the ball hits the top of the net and for a split second it can either go forward or fall back. With a little luck it goes forward and you win. Or maybe it doesn't and you lose.

Structural and thematic similarities exist between the movie and two novels, Dreiser's An American Tragedy and Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. The movie also bears notable similarities in plot and theme to a previous movie of Allen's, Crimes and Misdemeanors. Perhaps the most influence stems from the 1964 Truffaut film The Soft Skin, in which a married man also has an affair that ends up in shotgun related murder.

The film's plot mirrors the novel An American Tragedy and the film A Place in the Sun, which also involve a poor man who, through the possibility of marriage to a wealthy woman, resorts to murdering a poor pregnant girlfriend in order to preserve his chances at a new life of wealth and privilege.

Opera connoisseurs have noted that the arias and opera extracts make an ironic commentary on the actions of the characters and sometimes foreshadow developments in the movie's narrative. The Caruso arias are intercut with extracts from contemporary performances which the characters attend over the course of the film. There are scenes at the Royal Opera House and elsewhere performed by opera singers, accompanied by a piano and not, as is usual, by an orchestra. Arias and extracts include work by Verdi (in particular Otello and Rigoletto), Donizetti's L'elisir d'amore, Bizet's Les pêcheurs de perles, Carlos Gomes' Salvatore Rosa and Gioachino Rossini's Guillaume Tell. "

If I only allow to use three words to describe this film, they will be: luck, lust and lost. It is a typical Woody Allan film, although it immediately reminds me about Montgomery Clift's A Place in the Sun (1955). I love Montgomery Clift's performance in that classic tragedy of social climber: he played a role tortured by ambition and tried to find aim of his life. Clift himself is a tragic figure in his off-screen life and his life had been described as a life-long pursuing of suicide. The darkside of his mind made him a perfect actor. In comparision, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers is a different type of actor. He wins his fame as independent film actor early in his life and his unforgettable role in Velvet Goldmine (1998) makes him a symble of fatal pop star. He also acts in some not decent films, such as Mission Impossible III. He is not afraid to show his sensitivity and vulnerable in moives, but his weakness makes him a more convincing character.

Match Point resembles the Closer in some respect. In both films, individuals try to find relationship which could satisfy both their body and mind and fail both ways. In Closer, Jude Law played this sick writer who could have win his true love but took a shortcut and ruined the whole thing. In Match Point, Chris (by Jonathan Rhys-Meyers) would have the option of not marrying Cholye and choose Noah, but he could not afford to lose the quality of life his marriage to Cholye conveyed. What differs in the two films is that in Closer, the film investigates the minds of males and females in the relationship; but in Match Point, we only observe Chris's mind. On the surface, the film emphasizes the importance of luck in individual's life; but the underlying theme is the unavoidable lust which pushes people ahead.




Past time


那些生活在幸福和爱中的人们常常抱怨,他们得不到任何爱,于是他们反抗,他们出走,因为他们从来就没有失去过爱。   一无所有后才会无所不有,失去后才会珍惜所有,学会施与才懂得感恩,这是我在《长腿叔叔》中所读到的更多的东西。   每个女孩子在看了《长腿叔叔》后都希望自己自己变成一个孤儿,羡慕那种无拘无束和自由放任的生活,幻想着也能够遇到自己的白马王子——长腿叔叔。而我想告诉大家的是,生活需要奇迹,而最大的奇迹就是你自己。   给你爱的人和爱你的人亲笔写封信,无论他们远在天涯还是近在咫尺——如果能做到这一点,也就达到了我们出版这本书信体小说的目的了。


昨晚你睡了吗?我没有,一夜没有合眼。我太惊喜,太兴奋又太糊涂了。我想我再也睡不着了,再也吃不下饭了。不过我希望你要睡觉,你得睡,这样你才能快些好起来,来到我身边。   亲爱的人,一想到你病得如此严重,就让我心痛——而我在这之前却毫不知情。昨天医生送我下楼上车时,告诉我3天来他们几乎放弃希望了。喔,我最亲爱的,真是如此,对我而言这世界的希望也都将随你而去。我想将来的某一天——在遥远的未来——我们其中一人必须先行离去,不过至少已经幸福地生活在一起过了,会有许多值得回忆的东西。   我想要让你高兴起来——首先必须先让我自己高兴起来。尽管我比做梦都还要快乐,但我也更清醒了。害怕出什么事情,这个念头如同阴影一般笼罩在我的心头。以前我无牵无挂,对什么都满不在乎,因为没有什么东西可以失去。可是从今以后,我将无休止地担心。只要你一离开我身边,我就会想到汽车可能会撞到你,招牌可能会掉下来砸到你的头。我的心将永不得安宁——不过,我一点也不太在乎平静的安宁。   请快点好起来,快点,再快点。我要你紧靠在我身边,我可以触摸到你,确信你是真实的。我们在一起只有短短的半小时啊!我深怕我是在做梦。如果我是你家族的一员该多好,这样我就可以天天去看你,念书给你听,为你理好靠枕,抚平你那两条额纹,笑得露出嘴角。你现在情绪好些了吗?昨天我走的时候你情绪很好,医生说我一定是个好护士,你看起来一下子年轻了10岁。恋爱可不要让每个人都年轻10岁。如果我变成只有11岁,你还在乎我吗?   昨天是我一生最美妙的一天。即使我活到99岁,我也忘不了那一个个细节。清晨离开洛克威洛的那个女孩子与晚上回来的判若两人。山普太太4点半时叫我起床,我在黑暗中惊醒,第一个闪入我脑中的念头是:“我要去见长腿叔叔!”我借着厨房里的烛光吃过早餐,然后穿过10月最壮观的景色,坐着马车走了5里路到火车站。我看着太阳冉冉升起,枫树和山花鲜红橙黄一片,空气清新、干净并充满希望。我知道有好事正等着我。一路上,轮子不断唱着:“你就要见到长腿叔叔了。”这让我有一种安全感。我对叔叔的处事能力有信心。我也知道,在某处有另一位男人——比长腿叔叔更亲爱的——正等着要见我,我预感到这次一定能见到他。结果,你瞧!   我抵达麦迪逊大街,高大的棕色房子令人生畏。我不敢贸然走进去,徘徊了很久才鼓起勇气。其实我根本不用怕,你的秘书是这么好的一个人,让我有宾至如归的感觉。“是艾伯特小姐吗?”他问我。我回答说:“是的。”我根本不用提史密斯先生。他让我在客厅等候。这是一间庄严、华丽的富有男人气息的房子。我坐在一张舒服的大椅子上,不断对自己说:“我要见到长腿叔叔了!我要见到长腿叔叔了!”   不一会儿,秘书回来请我到书房去。我激动得双脚真的都快不听使唤了。在书房门口,他回头低声地说:“小姐,他病得很严重。医生今天才同意他下床。请不要停留太久,使他过于激动。”从他说话的样子就知道他很爱你——我因此也对他产生了好感。   他敲了门并说:“艾伯特小姐来了。”然后我走进去,门在我身后带上了。   从明亮的走廊走进暗淡的书房,一时间我什么东西也看不见。慢慢地我看见壁炉前有张大的安乐椅。我看出来有个人坐在大椅子里,周围满是靠枕,膝上有一张毯子。我还来不及阻止他,他已经站起来了——有点颤抖——看着我不发一语。然后……然后……我看到那是你啊!不过就算这样我还是不明白。我以为是长腿叔叔让你来那儿见我,好给我个惊喜。   你笑着伸出手,说道:“亲爱的小茱蒂,你猜不到我就是长腿叔叔吗?”   这想法一瞬间掠过我脑海。喔,我多么笨呀!有100件小事可能都告诉了我,如果我够聪明的话。我做不了好警探。是吗?叔叔——杰维?我该怎么称呼你?只是叫杰维显得一点都不尊敬,我应该对你表示敬意的。   我们度过了非常甜蜜的半个小时,医生来把我赶走了。我恍恍惚惚抵达车站时,差点搭上往圣路易斯的火车。而你也激动得忘了请我喝茶。但我们都非常非常快乐,不是吗?我摸黑驾车回到洛克威洛——喔,天上星光闪烁!今早我带着柯林斯走遍所有我们一起去过的地方,而且记得你说的话,当时的情形。今天树林呈现出一片青铜色,空气冷冽清新,是登山的好天气。我真希望你在这儿陪我爬山。我想你想得不得了,亲爱的杰维。这种思念是愉快的,我们会很快就能在一起了。此刻我们心已相属,真真实实地!我终究有了归属,这有点奇怪吧?这似乎是一种非常非常甜蜜的感觉。   我今后将不让你有片刻的伤心。                             你永远并始终如一的                                    莱蒂                                 星期四早晨 又及:     这是我写的第一封情书。我不晓得它是不是很好笑?


Shopping for good news

I never try extensive shopping for 6 hours. Jingqin told me the best part was enjoying the fun of shopping and buying nothing. We spent hours in T.J. Max and tried to find the perfect bags for the coming winter. The fashion trend for this winter was red bag, so we dived into the sea of red bags. Once we were officially exhausted and ready to check out, we found the checkout line was a mile long. So we put down our bags and left, taking the fun part with us.
When we went over old CDs in the flea market, she confessed she might find the Mr. Right under my interegation. I was so happy for her (and in fact I can not help calling my mom this great news) and she really deserved a good guy. In the crowed subway train back home, I could not help teasing her that there was at least one good thing about that guy: he has the ability to appreciate her and keeps her good company with jokes and sincerity . She laughed. I guess for her, there will be a sweet November in San Francisco.
Good luck, my dear friend!

Come Back

To catch the Zen lecture at Temple of Enlightment, I got up at 7:30am yesterday and took the train to Bronx. I bathed in the morning sun light and felt delighted. The temple was more like a Yoga classroom, plain and spacious. Before the meditation began, I went to the kitchen with Charlie and helped others with cooking. The meditation part was physically stressful for me. The length of each session is about an hour, and we had to keep the correct position. The lights were turned down and it was very quiet. The temptation of going to sleep was very strong. In theory, one should not think about other matters but concentrate on pursuing enlightment. But there were many things on my mind and I can not help jumping from issues to issues. After the first meditation session, the teacher (from Taiwan) started to talk about the arrangement of the 10 days Zen leture. Then he began to teach how to seat to avoid pain, how to position yourself so that you can easily focus on meditation, and what was meant to cut off your six senses. He had a lengthy discussion about being alive and being dead, and he was a very articulated teacher who can embed the buddism teaching in personal stories and jokes. Because I have no previous exposure to Zen and its canons, it was kind of difficult for me to follow his every word. After the lecture, it was another hour of meditation and the teacher walked around with his wooden sword to catch lossy students who falled into sleep or wandering their minds. I left after the second meditation session to meet my yoga teacher at gym. I told Hugh I felt depressed recently and asked about how to deal with it with some yoga excercise. Hugh brought me a little illustrated book by his teacher, about some short sequences of yoga positions to handling three types of depressions. He showed me some positions and then he asked why I felt depressed. So I told him the story and my current situation. He thought for a while and started to recall his personal experience of being depressed and how yoga could help. He said yoga would not take you away from your troubles, but to let you feel strong enough to handle them. Different people have different reactions to various posts and I should practice different sequences to find the appropriate way to release my pressure. He said I should be sensitive to my body and feelings and overcome those destructive behaviors, such as watching TV all the time which I did. I felt kind of embarrasing to talk about my personal concerns initially, but much relaxed afterwards. Hugh said when one was in trouble, it was good to talk with friends and consider other options. I agree with that, but the fact that I can not do anything in my current situation makes me very sad. In fact, Hugh's suggestions are similiar to what I got from Dr. Flaxaman the day before. I went to talk to him about my situation and asked about university procedures. He listened to me very carefully, and wrote down my narratives, and asked many important questions. He thought I was overwhelminly intimidated by the situation and was blind to many of my talking points and options. In fact, he thought my advisor had indeed gave me the solutions, to some extent. Given the situation, the best and only option for me at the moment was to wait. I was so obsessed with my own troubles and forgot to take care of my friends. Actually I feel grateful that many of them take their time to talk with me. I have got used to call Liang and Sis every time I am in hot water, and I count on them as professional and rational support. To talk with Yan, she always gives me some personal insights about the issue and let me know I am not the only person who suffer in the world. David trusts me and tells me his opinion from faculty's perspective. Jingqin and Allan call me to send their carings. Fang and her mom hosted me when I were very much depressed and falled into illness. Charlie who wishes to save me with Zen teaching gives me the opportunity to know many wonderful people. And Hugh, sent me the little book with the following poetry on the cover: This being human is a guest house, Every morning a new arrival; A joy, a depression, a meanness, some momentary awareness comes, as unexpected guest; Welcome and entertain them all, even if they are crowds of sorrows, who violently sweep your home, empty of its funitures; Still, treat each guest honorably, for he may be clearing you out some new delight; The dark thought, the shame, the malice, Meeting them at the door laughing and invite them in; For whatever comes, they come as a guide from the beyond.