
从北京回来以后,我忙了两个月,以为自己论文的初稿应该能够通过,结果一败涂地。这样一来,就更没有勇气和安娜联系。我就这样自己一个人缩啊,缩啊,一直躲到自己的壳里。我害怕打电话给她,一方面觉得自己很没出息,另一方面觉得让安娜知道我的窘境也会给她带来负担。可是看了她的邮件,我觉得实在太对不起她了,就给她打了一个电话。因为是Good Friday, 她正在教堂里忙碌。我把自己现在的情况大略说了一下,她说她自己毕业的事也很不顺利。她说朋友不就是用来分忧解难的么?我简直无地自容了。我是这么自私,以为自己的那点破事儿就是世界的全部了,忘了去关心朋友,也不信任朋友能帮助自己。

今天早晨,收音机里在讨论《了不起的盖茨比》。费茨杰拉德和Edith Wharton 都是我喜爱的描写纽约的作家。两个人都写上个世纪之初的纽约,一个以讽刺见长,把美国梦的荒谬分析得鞭辟入里。另一个以女性特有的笔触,将爱情背后的阶级和社会冲突娓娓道来。一个小时的节目里,电台主持人和文学批评家一起到长岛探访费茨杰拉德的故居,谈论这部小说对美国文学和人们日常生活的价值。最后,主持人请到一个能够把这部小说倒背如流的演员。主持人随便说个开头,他就能一字不错的接下去,能耐了得。最后,他开始背诵小说的开头,我听了打了个寒颤。
In my younger and more vulnerable years my father gave me some advice that I’ve been turning over in my mind ever since.
“Whenever you feel like criticizing any one,” he told me, “just remember that all the people in this world haven’t had the advantages that you’ve had.”

Dark Blue World of Brotherhood

Dark Blue World (Czech: Tmavomodrý svět) is a 2001 film by Czech director Jan Svěrák about Czechoslovakian pilots who fought for the British Royal Air Force during World War II. The screenplay was written by Zdeněk Svěrák, the father of the director. The film stars Ondřej Vetchý as František (Franta) Sláma, Kryštof Hádek as Karel Vojtíšek and Tara Fitzgerald as Susan. Ondřej Vetchý is an amazing actor who brings into life the struggle between love and solidarity.
In the end of the film, Franta came back home and found out he was abonded by both worlds: the British (symbolized by Susan) and the Czech (symbolized by his former girlfriend). The frequent flash back to the past gives the film a sense of paradise lost. Life has so much to offer, and we human beings have so much to lost. Where is the delicate balance point of our lives? Where is the everlasting youth and friendship?
According to Wikipedia:
"About one third of the film takes place in 1950, after the war, when the returning Czechoslovak pilots were imprisoned by the new communist government for colluding with the capitalists. Most of these scenes are the interactions between Sláma, and his fellow inmates in the prison hospital (an ex-SS doctor and a convicted burglar). The film switches back between the war and the prison.
The first scene in the film is in the workshop of the prison. Sláma is at a sewing machine when he collapses and is taken to the hospital.
The film proper begins in 1939, just days prior to the German invasion of Czechoslovakia. After the invasion, the Czechoslovakian army is disbanded and the Czechoslovaks have to give up their aircraft. However, Franta and the younger Karel, among others, refuse to submit to their occupiers, and flee to the United Kingdom to join the RAF.
Once they arrive, the British force the Czechoslovaks to retrain from the basics, which infuriates them, especially Karel, who is both impatient to fight the Germans and humiliated to be retaught what he already knows. Karel also sees the compulsory English language lessons as a pointless waste of his time.
Eventually they are allowed to fly, but after their first sortie they realise why the British were training them so intensely: a young Czechoslovak nicknamed Tom Tom is shot down by a Messerschmitt Bf-109.
In the same mission, Karel himself is shot down, but manages to safely crash land and find his way to a farm. At this farm he meets Susan, whom he falls in love with (though the feeling is not mutual; Susan thinks Karel is far too young). The next day, after returning to the aerodrome, Karel brings Franta to meet Susan. The latter begins to get on well with Susan, though Karel believes that he is still Susan's boyfriend.
A sort of love triangle develops, though it takes Karel quite some time to realise that Susan has feelings for his commander, and it is not until late in the film when he realises that they are in a relationship with each other.
Following a mission to France where the squadron attacks a train, Karel is shot down and Franta lands to rescue him, a move that shows that the two's friendship endures. But soon after the mission, Karel learns about the relationship between Franta and Susan, which leads to a quarrel.
A few missions later, Franta's airplane has a malfunction and is forced to ditch into the ocean. His inflatable life raft bursts as he tries to inflate it and Karel decides to help him by giving him his own raft. While attempting to drop the raft, Karel collides with the water surface and dies. (But the raft emerges from the water, so Franta is rescued.)
The movie ends with Franta returning to Czechoslovakia, where he finds his girlfriend married."
I started to read Coelho's Fifth Mountain.