
Most expected film of the year: Perfume: The Story of a Murderer

Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a 2006 film directed by Tom Tykwer, director of "Run, Lora, Run!" The film is based on the German bestseller in 1985 by Patrick Süskind . From wikipedia about the novel:
"Perfume: The Story of a Murderer is a 1985 literary historical horror novel (originally published in German as Das Parfum) by German writer Patrick Süskind. The novel explores the sense of scent, and its relationship with the emotional meaning that scents may carry. Above all this is a story of identity, communication and the morality of the human spirit."
The story:
"His youth Grenouille's life begins in a Parisian fish market, where his fishmonger mother gives birth to him among the stinking fish heads and scraps in one of the dirtiest places in all of Paris. She intends to dispose of his body along with the fish organs which surround his birthplace. However, her plans are thwarted when Grenouille expels a squeal so piercing that passers-by are alerted to his mother's plans and his life is saved, although his mother is sentenced to death because of her attempted infanticide. In his infanthood, Grenouille discovers his gift to isolate smells of every kind and preserve the scent in his memory, although the irony of this is is that Grenouille himself has no personal scent or odour. Grenouille is passed from wet nurse to wet nurse, ostensibly because he drinks too much of their milk, preventing them from feeding any other children. However, the true reason for his being passed on from one nurse to another is his haunting lack of scent. This does not smell how children ought to smell stated nurse Jeanne Bussie, convinced that he was possessed by the devil. Grenouille begins to struggle with the concept of speech, particularly with the idea of ethical and moral words, which further isolates him from the rest of the human race. Eventually he develops the ability to speak, although he chooses not to; he is only able to associate words by their scent, his first word being wood. After being continually rejected from society due to his lack of odour, Grenouille finds himself in the care of Madame Gaillard, a woman who runs an orphanage for children, and who herself has lost her sense of smell since childhood, so is unable to detect his lack of odour. Grenouille grows up in the orphanage unloved and malnourished. Grenouille, isolated and outcast by his fellow race, begins to develop a disgust for his fellow humans, and distinguishes himself by his uncanny sense of smell. Grenouille begins to collect these olfactory sensations that he experiences, preserving and cataloging these scents—both good and bad—in his mental library. At the age of 8 Grenouille is sold by Madame Gaillard to a tanner. Grenouille survives this work which can be borne by none, with his innate tenacity and resilience which likens him to a 'tick'. After he finishes working at the tannery, Grenouille begins exploring the streets of Paris in search of new scents to add to his olfactory catalogue. One evening he discovers the scent of something unknown to him, a scent so enticing he cannot help but follow it and discover its origin. He moves in and out of alleyways in search of this ungraspable scent until finally he finds it, a beautiful young girl. This is the first time in his life that Grenouille doubts his nose, for he cannot believe that such a perfect scent could come from such a member of the disgusting race humans which he had come to despise. With the intention to preserve this perfect scent he kills the girl, only to find that upon her death the beautiful scent dies as well, evaporating into the Parisian night sky. Tortured by the loss of this perfect scent, Grenouille dedicates his life to the purpose of finding this one perfect scent, and it is this greed which continues his survival. One evening Grenouille is told by his master to deliver the tanner's skins to the famous perfumer Baldini. Grenouille sees this as a perfect opportunity to learn from a master perfumer the way to preserve smells and teach him the ways of creating scents. Baldini, with his own problems, initially rejects Grenouille when he asks for an apprenticeship, but eventually Baldini gives in and offers Grenouille the opportunity to become his apprentice, and he is astounded by Grenouille's ability to emulate the scents of perfumes in which Baldini could not, without the use of measurements or and the techniques of a perfumer. After being taught the ways of Baldini, Grenouille is soon able to create all new perfumes from those scents placed before him, which makes Baldini the most popular perfumer in all Paris. Upon attempting to isolate the scent of objects such as iron and glass, Grenouille fails, and this failure affects him greatly, leading to him falling ill with small pox. Grenouille then hears that there are other techniques besides distillation that can be used to isolate scents. Upon this news Grenouille becomes miraculously healthy once more, and leaves Baldini to pursue these new perfume production techniques in the city of Grasse, heading out into the forest, and beginning his journey in search for the perfect scent. [edit] His journey Shortly after the departure of Grenouille, Baldini suffers a tragic death, falling into the river in his sleep. Grenouille continues his journey into the forest he develops a greater disgust for the human race, finding himself repulsed by the scent of human existence and trying to avoid the scent of humankind wherever he goes. This eventually leads him to a cave atop a volcanic mountain, the Plomb du Cantal where the human scent is most distant from the nose of Grenouille. For seven years he stays at this place and becomes intoxicated with the smells which he preserves in his internal "palace of the smells". One day he awakens from a nightmare in which he sees himself suffocating in his own smell. After this dream he soon begins to realise that he himself possesses no personal scent, which distresses him. After this, he comes upon an inhabited area where he tells its inhabitants he had been held prisoner by robbers in a foxhole. A researcher in the town chooses to demonstrate his new theory of scents on Grenouille, which causes him to faint as a result of the scent emitted. As a result Grenouille is able to create his own scent through primitive means which emulates his own human smell. Grenouille soon finds that upon creating his own scent, he is accepted by society. But Grenouille doesn't want acceptance, he wants to have power and be able to manipulate those within the world that disgust him so much. He then leaves the town and makes his way to Grasse, his true target, where with Madame Arnulfi and her journeyman he learns new procedures in the production of perfume. When walking through the town he picks up the scent of the the girl he desired so much and who he murdered back in Paris. He follows the scent and finds a girl still at the beginning of her development. After discovering her he decides that he will wait until the girl has matured her scent, at which stage he will return to reclaim it. After some time there is an air of terror in the town. A murderer has been on the loose killing the town's most beautiful girls, even in their houses, leaving them naked with all their hair cut off. Twenty four murders later, rich businessman Antoine Richis, sees the pattern and realizes that his beautiful daughter Laure is to be the next victim of the murderer. Antoine flees the town with his daughter Laure, but Grenouille—the murderer—soon catches their scent and follows them. Finally he kills Laure in an inn, and captures her scent just like the other twenty four girls. [edit] His end Grenouille is able to be identified as the murderer on the basis of witnesses' statements. Upon his execution day, thousands wait tensely for the spectacle. However, when Grenouille appears, he is surprisingly confronted with the love by all and is revered, rather than hated, in contrast to with previous day in which the people wanted to see him dead. This is due to the perfume made from the women's smells, which surrounds him like a divine aura. Grenouille is pardoned for his crimes, and Richis even wants to adopt him. But the experience of the power has dissatisfied Grenouille, because it is not he that is loved, but the perfume which he created that is loved, so he decides to return to Paris upon finding that the satisfaction that he initially felt has transformed itself into hatred and disgust. In Paris Grenouille approaches a group of people and they accept him. After he has deliberately overdosed himself with the perfume he created, and while among the group, the effect is so overpowering that they want to hold him as an angel and own a piece of him, at which point they tear him to pieces and eat his remains."
The film will be open on Dec 27, 2006 in U.S. (comments from New York Times http://movies2.nytimes.com/gst/movies/movie.html?v_id=325005) and its illegal version is in China now (http://www.sohoxiaobao.com/chinese/bbs/blog.asp?id=6278).


Day By Day, Night By Night

[unauthorized version from my friend who is volunteering in Ethiopia ] 在初到亚的斯的日子里,我和我的男朋友几乎每天都要做一些步行。这不仅是帮助我们消化酒店里那不合中国人口味的大块牛排,也是我们(我相信)从现在到未来一年里在这里的基本生活方式。我们对照地图,计划了一些参观项目(如纪念碑、体育场、动物园、大学、火车站),但因为时间上的被动,大部分还未成行。 但走路,目的不甚明确的步行,仍然帮助我们获取了对此地的大部分印象。每天我都会整理我的数码相册,总有惊喜。最开始住的酒店Ras Hotel,它那高高的屋顶、拱型走廊、明暗不定的大堂,总让我想起《牙买加旅店》之类的小说,我们围着它着实拍了两天。巨大的狮子标本、沿旋转楼梯(这是中国所没有的)拾阶而上看到的大幅民俗油画……只要环顾四周,就不断有新的发现。直到有一天侍者告诉我这里为意大利人所建,在(大概)二战时期曾经是囚禁本地人的监狱,我好象发现了这个国家过去的一个秘密。还有一天,在前台昏黄的灯光下拍摄女接待,我第一次找到把黑色皮肤衬托得更美丽的颜色和光效。 在我男朋友暂住的酒店里,一开始他病了一场,他说一生中他从未感到那么难受过。但这不妨碍我每次造访他时,他指给我看窗外的好玩意。Harambee酒店的窗外(现在我仍不能说清方向)是个小公园。从6层俯瞰出去,正是鹰的家。他病得昏昏沉沉时,小小的房间里只有我守在他身旁,但当窗外的静默中传来鸟叫声时,我俯身告诉他:“鹰下班回家了。”他的脸上仍艰难地浮出一个笑容。虽然窗帘拉得很严,但我知道兰色的夜色慢慢浮上来了,对面山上喜来登酒店必然如旧时神秘官邸一样灯火通明。后来我也搬到Harambee了,在晴好的上午,我们在餐厅里邂逅一只大黑白疣猴——Guga,她在镜子里左照右照,又说话又握手,我们为她鼓掌欢呼,为我们只在电视里见过的神奇的非洲野生动物。她也是小公园花树下的住户,从此我们每天路过窗户时都会寻找她戴黑帽的身影。 我们每天背着很大的包出门,里面有外套、水和字典。白天,这里的阳光很烤人,风一刮起来却非常凉爽。我走在汽车轰鸣、尾气和塑料袋污染严重的街道上,看到亚的斯是跟世界上(包括中国)很多地区一样——欠发达的城市。人们的衣着不那么鲜艳和时尚,各种轻工业物品质量看上去不那么好。能看到一些行动不便的残疾人,我不知他们是得了什么样的疾病。还有在酒店附近卖”Tissue”的孩子,在车辆中灵活地穿行,漂亮的容颜。到哪儿都有人跟你搭话,“China!nihao!”,人们对中国的热衷、友好和了解是来之前我最意想不到的。在超市和商店里,我第一次发现在过去30年里,我每天使用的食品和日用品是那样物美价廉,我想起我的美国朋友在中国时说,听到我们小时每天只能吃一个鸡蛋,才知道她自己是生长在多么幸福的地方。自豪,是的,但我并不觉得人和人之间有什么差别。在网吧里,上网速度非常之慢,年轻的管理员问我“你生气吗?”我回答说,“不,这种情况跟几年前的中国是一样的。”他以为我在开玩笑。没有,我看到我即将为之工作的报纸上,除了政治要闻和广告,全部是各种关于发展的信息。各个国家发展的基本领域,都在投入资金进行建设。我不懂经济和政治,但我不认为不发达的就是坏的。我们到这里来,不就是想和这里的人们一起找到适合此地发展的秘诀吗?说到人,作为一个50个人的志愿者工作队的队员,我在本地依然脱离不了与本国人的关联。我看到有些同伴在面对工作困难时的退缩,他们甚至采取在中国的很多地方依然流行的行贿方式,我一点不惊讶。但当我听到本地官员也在向志愿者收贿,我感到报纸上头版谈论的腐败问题真的如世界其他流行元素一样已经在埃塞生根。腐败,如同疾病和贫穷,是我们所有人努力清除的地球垃圾。 我在中国的同学朋友这些天都会问我,你们吃什么?安全吗?我想起我看到日光下努力建设自身的城市,我回答——除了5小时时差,“这里”和“那里”没有“那么”大的区别。然而,我们的步行更多是在天色擦黑、没有什么任务的时候进行的,在暮霭沉沉中,我们一点一滴继续探索着这个城市的奥秘。 在国家剧院门口,我们看到两端走廊上都排起长龙等待入场。作为电影专业的毕业生,我们知道了本地语影片是这样受欢迎,多让中国电影人羡慕!在火车站附近,我们本来是要打探乘火车出游的可能性,却看到了昏暗的路灯下等车的长队。原来还有这么多人,和在我的家乡北京一样,需要经过辛苦的周折才能回家吃上饭。我们看着站牌上阿姆哈拉语的字母小人跳舞,猜测着最远的路途需要走多长时间。在这里,我没有能力分辨人的阶层和职业,但是在挺有风情的小咖啡店里,我想我看到了我挺熟悉的人群——office lady,在一天严肃的工作后,她们把自己的夜生活安排得井井有条。在附近的街道上,我们在清真寺宏伟美丽的颂经声中拍下了松枝掩映下的非洲月色,也走进过天主教堂。人们说信教的地区民风淳朴,我想也许还有经济不甚发达的因素,就如20多年前的北京。不管什么原因,淳朴的笑容温暖了异乡人的心,我有时好象回到自己那物质不甚发达的童年。 前几天晚上,我们从中餐馆回酒店的路上,遇到一条被车撞伤的小狗。待我用纸巾给小狗擦完鼻子里的血抬起头,才发现周围站满附近的小流浪儿。小狗疼得哭鼻子,小流浪儿用结巴的英语给我们介绍她的身世。我忽然感到羞赧——因为你肯定可以理解的原因。当我们转身离开时,令我意外的事发生了:其中一个年纪较长的少年微微点头,恭敬地向我们说了声“Thank you”——啊,这是我幼时看的德国电影《英俊少年》里那个少年的忠诚,是从古至今十几岁少年特有的忠诚! 直到出发前的最后一天,“去非洲”对我依然像个遥远的梦。在抵达后最初的某一天傍晚,我睡了一下午觉后起床,听到附近街道里传来足球赛的欢呼声。我走到窗前,看到外面堆着杂物的民居后院、错落的楼房,月亮正在升起,我才相信世界的这里和那里真的没有那么大的区别。我没有离家的感觉,相反,因为在完全陌生的环境里而感到放松自在。日以继夜,在每天的步行、工作以及其他“行动”中,梦想变成现实。


有的时候不得不感慨造化弄人,本来从一个学校出来,因为上了不同的大学,选择了不同的专业,走上了不同的道路。若干年后,发现大家都在美国学和教育有关的专业。18 年过去了,张辉现在UCLA 学习教育的文化基础(cultural foundation of education), 徐岚在宾西法尼亚大学学习双语教学,我和赖芳从经济学院毕业以后,不约而同的选择了教育经济学作为自己研究的方向。今天的聚会是在赖芳的家里,她的妈妈正是我们中学的校长。这些巧合让我们唏嘘不已,谁说我们中学所接受的教育对我们没有影响?看到我们都走上了教育的道路,不知道毛校长是不是感到很欣慰? 早先的时候看过一本苏联的小说马卡连柯撰写的 《教育诗》,影响很深。“马卡连柯撰写《教育诗》之时,正值他担任高尔基儿童劳动教养院和捷尔任斯基公社的工作。他根据自己和流浪儿童实际接触的切身体会,分析研究了各类犯罪儿童不同的心理情绪和生命烙印,经过长期的教育实践和艰苦复杂的创作过程,以诗一般的激情创作而成,是一部优美而动人的教育工作记录。” 我们对于中学生活的回忆还构不成一部教育诗,但是那六年的生活的确塑造了我们对于学业、生活和未来的许多看法。虽然现在很多的想法都改变了,但是不曾改变的是从那时开始培养的对于自己的怀疑态度和自信。勤奋、严谨、求实、创新,这八个字的校训仍然是我们的座右铭。 我从来没有想到过自己会以教育作为自己的职业,但是最近几天来考虑未来工作的问题,却越来越把自己的未来和教育事业联系在一起。我现在问自己的问题是:我是不是适合教师这个职业?我会不会是一个好的研究型的教师?我是不是非如此不可? 这些问题的答案我也不知道,但是我希望能通过对自己的反思和对于工作机会的了解找到答案。

Fang, Mom Mao and Po

Fang, Mom Mao and Lan

Fang and her mom- our middle school principal Ms. Mao

dinner is ready - at Fang's home

Fang & Po - waiting for takeout

Lan & Po

Fang & Lan

Po & Lan

Po & Fang

Lan & Fang 02

reunion -Lan and Fang