
The Invisible Circus

The Invisible Circus is a 2001 drama film, directed by Adam Brooks, and starring Cameron Diaz, Jordana Brewster and Christopher Eccleston. It is based on Jennifer Egan's best-selling novel.
It is a grow-up story with lots of pain. In particular, I like the scene when Phoebe took drug and she wondered around the street in Paris. She met her sister in day-dreaming and experienced the suffering they both shared. Phoebe tried to find her identify and sense of self through investigating the mystious death of her sister. Beautifully made! I am not quite sure why Phoebe falled in love with Wolfe, but I like Chris Eccleston. He played such obssessed lover!




Anya's home

Anya and Po

Kujia, Look!

St. Vladmire church

Anya and Hess

Po and Ben

Anya and Ben

Rong and Ben

kujia and Anya

Kujia 01

Xu and Po 02

Ji, Xu and Po

Xu and Po 01