
Next Best Thing

In the moive The Next Best Thing, Abbi was a straight yoga instructor and Robert was a gay gardener, they were best friends. They messed up once and did not talk for a while. Then, Abbi went to Robbi's flower shop and told him about the best thing happended to them. Robbi: So we are friends, again? Abbi sighed and she took a long breath: Actually, the next best thing. Robbi: What's that about? Abbi: I am preganent with your baby. Robbi fainted right away. Then Roboert went to airport to pick up his parents. His father teased him and asked: How is your BEST friend Abbi? How is her sex life? Robbi hesitated and answered: She is preganent. Robbi's mother: She married? Robert: No. In fact, I am the baby's father. Robert's father: You what? You will make us the laughtstick of our relatives. You are still queer? Robert: Yes, I am qeer! And I am a father now. Rupert Everett played the active gay father Robert in this so-so film against Madonna as Abbi. He is one of my favorate British actors, starring Oscar Wilde's The Importance of Being Earnest and The Ideal Husband and Shakespear's Midsummer Night's Dream. His playfulness and humor make him a great comedy actor. In this rather boring film about what makes a Father and what is meant to be a homosexual father, there is so much more could be discussed and elaborated. Happend to listen to a radio discussion about Janna Levin's new book, A Madman Dreams of Turing Machines. Levin is a physics professor from Banard College and the book is about two 20 ceuntry mathematicians, Kurt Gödel (1906" 1978) and Alan Turing (1912" 1954). Gödel's incompleteness theorem destroying the line of inquiry (arguably spearheaded by Wittgenstein, who cameos)that argued math was complete in itself. Turing broke the German Enigma code during WWII and was the forerunner of computer. Both of them are gay and eccentric to their times and great fun of Disney cartoons. Turning killed himself by eating a poisoned apple, exactly like what happend in Snowwhite. The ordinary world is too much a burden for talents like them.



虽然晚点了4 个小时,中国民航还是把妈妈拉回了家。到北京的时候,已经是晚上9点多了。哥哥带着新女朋友到首都机场接她,让妈妈也享受了一下家庭的温暖。妈妈可真够利落的,刚到家,转天就把东西都拾掇好了,又出去买菜做饭,伺候哥哥他们两个,一点儿时差都没有。她把带回去的礼物都分门别类放好,就等着国庆节的时候到天津去献宝贝了。 妈妈来去正好三个月,别的没带走,把我的心给带走了一半儿。原来从来没有这么惦记着家里,现在恨不得天天打电话问问。 从机场回来,我在airtran上面忍不住哭了。一个人带着一个人的寂寞,我又成了自己的时间和空间的主人。但是一个人的房间里,怪冷清的。忍着吧,我对自己说,月有阴晴圆缺,此事古难全。忍着吧,人得自己成全自己,别跟自己煽情。 刚刚出电梯的时候,打扫卫生的波多黎各阿姨问: --这两天怎么没见着你妈妈啊? --回北京了。 --那你可得想她了吧? --我已经想念她了,我说。


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