

I google "Allan Liu" and find out a English Professor at UC Santa Babara, who is famous for his academic website, Voice of Seattle. Then I search "刘超,天文" and I get 中国虚拟天文台2005年会讨论情况记录 重要观点与建议 . Here is a quote from the documents: "邓:我觉得还是有进展,至少刘超那个工作。只是先天不足,导致结果不好,不可验证。 建议以后的科学范例要用天文结果显著的课题,保证工作能出结果。 " xix, Lao Liu's work is not easy. He was the person who worked in a project which was "先天不足" and "结果不好,不可验证". The most ridiculous thing is the last sentence. Before you do the experiment or any scientific exploration, how could you know that the project will have any result, not to mention "天文结果显著". This is how domestic universities train their doctoral students. What a pity!
