
Wisdom of Crocodiles

梁普智 Po-Chih Leong, the director of 吸血情圣 The Wisdom of Crocodiles (1998) . Gosh, I love Jude Law in this dark film. Before he died, the vanpire asked the most strange question of all time: "Evil isn't just malice, murder and rape and massacre. Before everything, the devil is the father of lies. The lies you tell, the truth you don't tell. Everything hidden is theft. Everything reserved from those we love is fraud. And there's always something, isn't there? What everyone wants is for evil people to be off insidiously committing evil deeds. Then they can be separate from ordinary men and women and destroyed. But the line that separates good and evil cuts through every human heart. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?"
