Many people talk about Met's new production by Tan Dun, The First Emperor. Here is the introduction from Met's website:
"In what promises to be the most elaborate Met production since War & Peace, composer Tan Dun (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Symphony 1997: Heaven Earth Mankind) creates an epic new opera set in the ancient court of Qin Shi Huangdi, the First Emperor of China. Plácido Domingo sings the role of the Emperor who unites China and builds the Great Wall. Paul Groves is Gao Jianli, the court composer who defies him and seduces Yueyang, the Emperor’s daughter, sung by Elizabeth Futral. The production team includes China’s leading film director, Zhang Yimou (House of Flying Daggers and Hero), and Academy Award®-winning costume designer Emi Wada (Akira Kurosawa’s Ran). Ha Jin, the National Book Award-winning novelist, is the co-author of the English language libretto."
其实这些艺术家的行为不难理解。 以谭盾为例,他的多数作品都是由西方的歌剧院或者艺术赞助机构订购的,所以他要为他们生产艺术的产品。对于成功的前“前卫艺术家“来说 (80年代他们可是开中国文化风气之先的人),他们的行为受到他们在60-70年代所接受的意识形态教育和西方艺术市场经济所要求的影响,有趣的是当下二者不谋而合。二者所要求的都是艺术为人民大众服务,谁是人民大众?是观众,是批评家,是舆论。既然西方人喜欢东方的神话,好吧,就这么办。先来个《霸王别姬》和《卧虎藏龙》,再来点儿《英雄》和《十面埋伏》,最后忍不住了,终于生产出《夜宴》和《满城尽带黄金甲》。可怜一个张艺谋,从独立电影的先驱发展到今天,成为R 级电影的导演和歌剧的制片人,真不知道该怎么夸他!《秦始皇》是西方和东方的悲哀。
The westerners pay to see a diversified art world, instead, they see what they want; the artists from eastern world sale what people want, not what they believed. For those artists, art is not a way to pursuing the truth, but a way of living and maximizing their prestige. Lao Zhu always says contemporary art is a way to demystify the world and to go back to our non-existent being, a way of reflection, and a way to deconstruct the illusions. But I don't find any of the above in The First Emperor. This is why I call it a tragedy for both worlds. The comprehension is impossible, why can not we just start to learn how to live with differences?
BTW, Tan Dun got his doctor degree in Music Art From Columbia University in 1993. From Columbia with love!