

一霎时把七情俱已昧尽,渗透了酸辛处泪湿衣襟。我只道铁富贵一生铸定,又谁知人生数顷刻分明。想当年我也曾撒娇使性,到今朝那怕我不信前尘。这也是老天爷一番教训,他教我收余恨、免娇嗔、  且自新、改性情、休恋逝水、苦海回生、早悟兰因。可怜我平地里遭此贫困,遭此贫困,我的儿啊!  把麟儿误作了自己的宁馨。

Where the Truth Lies

昨天晚上看了一部NC17的片子Where the Truth Lies,这是我所喜爱的电影导演Atom Egoyan的新片。他之前拍摄的Ararat我以前也介绍过。但是这部电影真得很怪。
根据wikipedia的介绍:“In 1957, a girl is found dead in the hotel room of a Martin & Lewis-like comedy team. Both had alibis and neither was accused, although the death breaks up the act. Years later, a young journalist (Lohman) tries to find out the truth behind the breakup. She becomes sexually involved under false pretenses with one of the comedians, Lanny Morris (Bacon), while pursuing an interview with the other, Vince Collins (Firth), who manipulates her with sex and drugs in order to keep her from reporting what she knows, and from finding out more. When she finally puts all the pieces together, however, she finds out more than she was expecting to.”
电影里Alison Lohman 饰演的Karen O'Connor带着问题去采访Vince Collins ,想了解Maureen O'Flaherty之死的真相。之后她又和她自己的偶像Lanny Morris 发生了关系。虽然Vince Collins 和Lanny Morris 都对Maureen O'Flaherty的死负有责任,但是最后证明是Lanny 的助手杀了人。这两个男人,因为拒绝承认他们之间的爱情 (Lanny:“We love each other, but we are not queers.”),而不得不分道扬镳了。影片对此的处理非常别扭,而且女记者Karen超强的逻辑推理和判断能力使人怀疑她是不是福尔莫斯转世。
影片所要讲的是没有绝对的真实,每个人的回忆都经过他们自己有意识或者无意识的加工。所谓追寻事实的真相,不如说追寻每个人提供不同说法的原因和目的。这样刨根问底找到的东西,往往是An Inconvenient Truth。影片的结尾处,导演笼统地责任推给观众,“好了,我的故事就是这样了,你们自己去解释吧”。这与此前Atom Egoyan拍摄的有关他的故乡亚美尼亚的Ararat截然不同,在那个电影里,虽然最后影片的主人公也没有找到大屠杀的真相,但是他寻找的过程也是成长的过程,很值得回味。这部电影显然是按好莱坞“八荣八耻”的标准拍摄的,以为有了悬念、色情和暴力就能吸引观众,结果因为有threesome 的情节和同性恋的情节,被评为了NC17级别。这对于商业影片来说,是票房的死亡之吻。难怪影评都不看好此片,票房也是惨败。Critical responses were similarly harsh; among other critics, BBCi panned it for "strained storytelling" , while Rolling Stone called it a "monumental misfire" and compared it with the infamous flop Showgirls
p.s. All the NC17 movies only can be shown after 12:00am on TV. Do TV station know that young people go to bed later than their parents?


Il barbiere di Siviglia

This November was not normal, the temparature stayed around 15 to 18 degrees and there was no sign of snowing whatsoever. The constant rain and warm weather really made me uneasy and I decided to go to see The Barber of Seville to smooth my feeling. Although I have booked a ticket for next March for this performance, but I really wish to see it now. It has became a critically acclaimed new production of Met for this season, which has not been performed for 25 years. Plus, it is refered to as a Divine Comedy, which I need most at this tricky point of my life. According to Wikipedia: "The Barber of Seville (Il barbiere di Siviglia) is a comic opera in two acts by Gioacchino Rossini with a libretto (based on Beaumarchais's comedy Le Barbier de Séville) by Cesare Sterbini. This opera follows the first of the plays from the Figaro trilogy, by French playwright Pierre Augustin Caron de Beaumarchais. The original Beaumarchais version was first performed in 1775, in Paris at the Comédie Française at the Tuileries Palace." This season at Met "the greatest Rossini tenor of our time, Juan Diego Flórez, sings the role of Count Almaviva in The Met’s first new Barbiere in 25 years. Diana Damrau and Joyce DiDonato share the role of Rosina, Peter Mattei is Figaro, Samuel Ramey is Don Basilio and John Del Carlo sings the role of the hapless Dr. Bartolo. Directed by Bartlett Sher and designed by Michael Yeargan (both of the Tony Award®-winning The Light in the Piazza), this is a Barbiere that is light on its feet, with mobile sets that allow the comic action to swirl from stage to audience and back again. Maurizio Benini conducts." The amazing thing about this opera is that you know it is a comic, but it makes you laugh without any burden. Dr. Bartolo is certainly the hopeless laughstock of the story, however, his simple and stupic plots makes him even loveable. Peter Mattei's Figaro is very impressive, in terms of vocal part and his performance. I even think he could make a great Méphistophélès in Faust, even though he is a baritone, not a bass. The show-off of the play is Juan Diego Flórez, the Rossini tenor of our time. Flórez is a native of Peru and a son of folk musician. As for the title role he has played for 13 years, he commented: “You have to sing it fast!” says Juan Diego Flórez of Rossini’s quicksilver coloratura. “Otherwise, it’s not exciting." He points out that it’s not Rossini’s tricky fireworks that most appeal to him but rather the vocal elegance that underlies the crowd-pleasing display. “I like the refinement of it, the musicality of it,” he explains of Rossini’s vocal lines. “For me, Bach and Haydn and Mozart and Rossini are all part of the same style. The melody, the line—that’s very important for me.” 《塞韦利亚的理发师》总是让我联想到达里奥.福的《一个无政府主义者的意外死亡》。在《意外死亡》里,一切都是赤裸裸的,警察和被关押的无政府主义者的地位和关系一目了然。《塞》表面上是一出喜剧和爱情故事,但是其中充满了权力和反抗,包括男性和女性的冲突(Dr. Bartolo 和罗西娜),不同阶层之间的冲突(费加罗和Dr. Bartolo ),年轻和年老者的冲突 (Count Almaviva 和Dr. Bartolo )。但是这些权力关系潜藏在诙谐的表层之下,只有到了山穷水尽,故事无法继续的时候,Rossini 才不得不把个人的身份挑明,使冲突得到解决。故事的结果固然是皆大欢喜,其实也不过是拥有权力者的胜利。罗西那到底爱的是Count Almaviva 还是穷光蛋Lindoro,恐怕连她自己也不清楚。 哎,难得糊涂吧!








就知道很没劲,没劲我也看,因为想知道在没劲的尽头是什么。可想而知,劲头就是更没劲。以为导演要许诺一个爱情的神话,让姐弟恋开花结果。可是连导演自己都不敢相信那样的结果,所以之后不了了之。看了之后,一点也没有看《The Reader》那样的感动。大家爱得没有道理,在搞笑方面又不足,开一些不到位的色情笑话,听说这已经连带着韩国议员在议会里强烈谴责语言过分色情了呢。韩国真是奇怪的国家!不知道女主角到底要什么,毕竟在33岁的年纪上还装嫩,迁就小男友有点太那个了。搞不清楚她是不是被自己"被爱了"所感动了。还是开始一直拒绝24岁小朋友的时候比较有趣。


Shang Cheng

Jingqin's picture selected 02

good legs without leggings.

Jingqin's picture selected 01

谭盾 from Columbia with love

Many people talk about Met's new production by Tan Dun, The First Emperor. Here is the introduction from Met's website: "In what promises to be the most elaborate Met production since War & Peace, composer Tan Dun (Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon and Symphony 1997: Heaven Earth Mankind) creates an epic new opera set in the ancient court of Qin Shi Huangdi, the First Emperor of China. Plácido Domingo sings the role of the Emperor who unites China and builds the Great Wall. Paul Groves is Gao Jianli, the court composer who defies him and seduces Yueyang, the Emperor’s daughter, sung by Elizabeth Futral. The production team includes China’s leading film director, Zhang Yimou (House of Flying Daggers and Hero), and Academy Award®-winning costume designer Emi Wada (Akira Kurosawa’s Ran). Ha Jin, the National Book Award-winning novelist, is the co-author of the English language libretto."
普契尼大概是第一个具有东方情节的作曲家,他写了《图兰多特》和《蝴蝶夫人》,把所谓的东方情调引入了歌剧的舞台。但是他的“东方”是典型的西方中心主义者眼中的东方世界,古老、神秘、落后、迷信,充满了非理性的爱恨情仇和神话故事,是不可理喻的世界。所以它才迷人和绚烂,因为它的“不同”,因为它与西方世界的距离。西方人对于东方世界的迷恋出于这种“主动的误解”(朱青生)。但是今天谭盾和张艺谋们所作的,不是清理和消弭这些主动的误解,而是把西方的观众引到了一个更深的误解之中。这些前卫的艺术家宣称,嘻嘻,东方其实就是你们想象的那样,既然你们喜欢,我们就生产更多的、类似的“神话”来! 其实这些艺术家的行为不难理解。 以谭盾为例,他的多数作品都是由西方的歌剧院或者艺术赞助机构订购的,所以他要为他们生产艺术的产品。对于成功的前“前卫艺术家“来说 (80年代他们可是开中国文化风气之先的人),他们的行为受到他们在60-70年代所接受的意识形态教育和西方艺术市场经济所要求的影响,有趣的是当下二者不谋而合。二者所要求的都是艺术为人民大众服务,谁是人民大众?是观众,是批评家,是舆论。既然西方人喜欢东方的神话,好吧,就这么办。先来个《霸王别姬》和《卧虎藏龙》,再来点儿《英雄》和《十面埋伏》,最后忍不住了,终于生产出《夜宴》和《满城尽带黄金甲》。可怜一个张艺谋,从独立电影的先驱发展到今天,成为R 级电影的导演和歌剧的制片人,真不知道该怎么夸他!《秦始皇》是西方和东方的悲哀。
The westerners pay to see a diversified art world, instead, they see what they want; the artists from eastern world sale what people want, not what they believed. For those artists, art is not a way to pursuing the truth, but a way of living and maximizing their prestige. Lao Zhu always says contemporary art is a way to demystify the world and to go back to our non-existent being, a way of reflection, and a way to deconstruct the illusions. But I don't find any of the above in The First Emperor. This is why I call it a tragedy for both worlds. The comprehension is impossible, why can not we just start to learn how to live with differences?
BTW, Tan Dun got his doctor degree in Music Art From Columbia University in 1993. From Columbia with love!