
time and tide

Me with skirt


At beach

Cinderella is a joke

I never think children’s fairytale can be so cruel. But ABT’s new production of Cinderella makes me rethink about the story and its meanings. Cinderella’s two sisters are treated so badly and everyone makes fun of them. They are just human, and they are just women in love and wish to be loved by Prince Charming. What’s wrong with that? The new production is set in 1920s, with all of its glory and luxury. But it doesn’t fit well with the story, and for the most part, the story line and the dance fall apart. Prokofiev’s music reminds me so much about Gershwin and he was so good at imitating his style—the New York City tone in twenties! It gives you a sense of pleasure of being guilty, abundant of love and lust, and a full expression of desire for material world. The stage design is colorful and overdone. There are too much everything on the stage—color, furniture, decoration, dancers. So many kinds came to ballet with their parents. In the first Act, they were excited by the funny duet of the evil sisters. And in the long ACT II, most of them got so bored. In the long search of ACT III, the little girl next to us began to ask her dad when this story would end. After all, I think I turn into an anti-fairytalist in the end. Because you can fit into a pair of shoes so you can win the world is too much for me. Maybe I am too cynical, but I just don’t get it as I was when I was small. I think fairytale is like religion, you should not think about it, you should just believe in it. And that is all!

My new haircut

At my temp home!
Fresh out. Two hours ago.



东河在烟雨里, 是个隐约可见的谜语, 从罗斯福岛上飘过来的, 辛纳特拉的《纽约,纽约》, 是等待烟花的人最好的注脚, 等待生命中片刻的绚烂;
与其说人们是来看烟花, 不如说他们是来表现自己如何被烟花所感动, 国庆日的烟花, 挤在布鲁克林桥上才能一睹芳容的烟花;
烟花在等待烟花的人已经精疲力竭的时候, 开始了, 在瓢泼的大雨中, 那些无与伦比的超脱尘世的精灵们, 从沉睡中醒来, 展开双翼, 冲向不可知的未来;
当你以为你抓住了烟花的片刻, 恰恰是你失去它的瞬间, 那些没法用语言来描述的色彩, 在相机的屏幕上变成了, Psychedelic 艺术家们的light show ;
画面上没有烟花的影子, 只有光的痕迹, 无数重色彩的重叠, 无数重光影的交叉, 那种触目惊心的美, 只能来自于无有的存在, 烟花本来就是从无中生出的有, 从虚无中来, 回到虚无中去;
等待烟花, 是观看生命中希望的展开, 观看烟花, 是旁观死亡的到来;
无可避免的堕落, 是烟花的命运, 是天使的命运, 是人的命运;
没有人能不被开到涂靡的烟花所打动, 没有人能不被它们暴烈的死亡方式所震惊, 在达到高潮的瞬间死去, 跟着浮世德的灵魂飞升;
越来越稠密的烟雾中, 已经看不到任何烟花的影子, 只能从巨大的爆炸声, 猜测层层云雾后的壮观景色, 因了这烟雾的关系, 天空仿佛回到了宇宙原初的状态, 充满了爆炸、烟雾和炫目的光线, 在不可逆转的原点上, 每一秒钟新的物质都在诞生, 每一秒钟时间和空间都在膨胀;
震耳欲聋的爆炸声中, 一切都结束了, 穿过巨大的黑色的草坪, 突然回首, 发现雨后的水气升起来, 城市的种种都笼罩在朦胧的雾中, 安哲洛普罗斯的风景, 午夜飞行中的风景, 《胡笳十八拍》中的风景;
下一年不会再来看烟花, 不想再次这么亲密地接触死亡, 烟花的灿烂, 是魔鬼许诺的浮世奢靡, 我不要!
我要在自己的花园里, 种一棵向日葵, 看它春天发芽, 看它夏日开花, 看它秋天垂下羞涩的头, 冬天在被窝里享受它的种子的美妙味道。


The fate of soulmate

I saw Sylvia on youtube yesterday night, because too much tea made me awake. The movie is beautifully made, but as described by Assia Wevill in the moive, "a hunted" experience. In the begining of the film, the director used light colors to describe the youth innocence of Sylvia and Ted. As the film went on, the color became very dark and depressing, indicating a declining stability of their marriage and mental state of sylvia. It makes people doubt about the fate of soulmates. They are experience the summit experience others can only dream about, but when they suffer, they go to the hell others can only dream about. Sylvia Plath had a troubled mind and life. She turned it into great work of art. As a symble of confessional poet, she went through the troubled relationship with Ted Hughes and managed to write in the struggle of her life. She successfully killed herself with gas oven and in the beginning of the film, her dead body came back to life, and she said to the audience, she was the master of art of death. Plath was born on the October 27, 1932 in Jamaica Plain, Massachusetts. Plath's gravestone bears the inscription "Even amidst fierce flames the golden lotus can be planted." In 1982, Plath became the second poet to win a Pulitzer Prize posthumously (for "The Collected Poems"). Ted hughes was never faithful to any women. His lover, Assia Wevill killed herself and their illegal daughter with gas oven just 7 years after Sylvia's suicide. In August 1970, Hughes married Carol Orchard, a nurse. They remained together (despite his continued affairs over the years), until his death. He received the Order of Merit from Queen Elizabeth II just before his death. Assia Wevill (May 15, 1927March 23, 1969) was born in Berlin, the daughter of a Russian-Jewish father and a German Lutheran mother. She is best-known for her relationship with English poet (and later Poet Laureate) Ted Hughes, and for killing herself, together with her daughter by Hughes, Shaura, in 1969.