


college reunion

Yesterday, I attended Alumni Reunion for PKU graduates. It was a joke, because the organizer wished to invite only alums working in Wall Street. I am working on Amsterdam Ave, so you see the Mondy-divide. Anyway, it was fun experience. Some of the older alums made jokes about the age and major distribution: people who graduated in 70s and 80s were majored in science (physics and math mostly) and those from 90s were all graduates from economics and finance. That was true, unfortunately. I am a shy person and it was really hard for me to go out and start conversation with totally strangers. So I quit after the dinner and went for Devils Wearing Prada with a friend. A so-so movie at most. Reunion always makes me sad. You can only meet successful person and all other not-so-successful but nice friends never show up. After college, we are left with less and less to care about except money, reputation and body. Here is an old song from 90s and send it to all my friends from class 1995. 改变1995 作词:黄舒骏作曲:黄舒骏 你走之后没几天 邓丽君也跟我们说再见 张爱玲在秋天渡过了她最后一夜 英国少了一位黛安娜王妃 你最心爱的吉他现在住在我的房间 我最想写的那一首歌至今还没出现 eagles在东京开了复出又告别的演唱会 我在巨蛋帮你听了desperado满脸都是泪 歌坛出了一个张惠妹 王菲变王靖雯又变回王菲 张国荣终于开心的承认他是个gay 老外告诉我台湾的女孩舒淇最美 santana莫名其妙又红了一遍 madonna还是我们呼风唤雨的娜姐 paul simon的脸苍老的令人心碎 prince宣布他这辈子再也不做音乐 世界不断的改变改变 我的心思却不愿离开从前 间不停的走远走远 我的记忆却停在却停在那1995年 现在不用联考也可以上大学 不用去美国也喝得到starbucks的咖啡 蛋塔红了100天忠孝东路挖了10年 诺贝尔给了高行健总统给了陈水扁 铁达尼骗了全世界的眼泪 还好我们有自己的人间四月天 星际大战没有续集倒是弄了个首部曲 教父第四级的可能性我看微乎其微 男人不再阳萎女人拼命减肥 爱滋病不是天谴 复制羊长得也不怎么特别 打哥大越来越小世界越来越吵 手机却越卖越好 歌星越来越多 cd越做越好唱片却越卖越少 乔丹不再飞好久不见张德培 老虎伍兹今年才25岁 奥斯卡那天李安用中文跟世界说谢谢!? 成龙终于用英文兴奋的跟好莱坞说 i am jackie chan 世界不断的改变改变 我的心思却不愿离开从前 时间不停的走远走远 我的记忆却停在却停在那1995年 千禧年地球并没有毁灭 921大地震倒是把我老家震毁 香港真的回归南北韩竟然见了面 我和台中的距离渐渐的比上海还要远 我还是没去爱尔兰倒是去了纽约 我没和u2一起表演倒是看到woody allen走在45街 全台湾都在r b全美国都在rap 只有流行没有音乐 我看你眼不见为净也是好事一件 我没成为你以为的那个人真的很抱歉 我想我上辈子是国父下辈子是王储 这辈子最好安份一点 天才就怕不够天才 坏又不够坏 天天都想离开 却不知到那里才能换骨脱胎 属于我们的精彩?早已经不复存在 我的她再可爱只能爱着我的未来 我忘不了你 你却浑然不觉 小你六岁的我今年已经和你同年 世界不断的改变改变 我的心思却不愿离开从前 时间不停的走远走远 我的记忆却停在 却停在那1995年


The Merchant of Venice (2004)

I saw the recent American adoptation of The Merchant of Venice (2004). Al Pacino plays Shylock and he is such a great actor in the show. Shylock was both a victim of anti-semitism and took action against the Venician society. He was an anti-hero in the play and Al Pacino captures the suffering soul of this character. IN contrast, my beloved Jeremy Irons plays a mediore Antonio, whom I doubt was a gay. His passion for his friend Bassanio, by Joseph Fiennes, was not comprehensible and made people confused. Irons was such a lackluster character which is not at all close to his performance in the sparkling performance in Being Julia, And Now... Ladies and Gentlemen..., Lolita , The House of the Spirits (all time favorate of mine), and the unforgetable Damage. With Juliette Binoche, he gave such passionate performance. Throughout the movie, I feel the strong tension underlying the easy-going nature of this comedy. Jew and Christane, male and female, lust and love. Shakespear was such a master of language, I'd love to recite Portia's odes of love when I get married. PORTIA You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand, Such as I am: though for myself alone I would not be ambitious in my wish, To wish myself much better; yet, for you I would be trebled twenty times myself; A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times more rich; That only to stand high in your account, I might in virtue, beauties, livings, friends, Exceed account; but the full sum of me Is sum of something, which, to term in gross, Is an unlesson'd girl, unschool'd, unpractised; Happy in this, she is not yet so old But she may learn; happier than this, She is not bred so dull but she can learn; Happiest of all is that her gentle spirit Commits itself to yours to be directed, As from her lord, her governor, her king. Myself and what is mine to you and yoursIs now converted: but now I was the lord Of this fair mansion, master of my servants, Queen o'er myself: and even now, but now, This house, these servants and this same myself Are yours, my lord: I give them with this ring; Which when you part from, lose, or give away, Let it presage the ruin of your love And be my vantage to exclaim on you. From Wikipedia: The Merchant of Venice is one of William Shakespeare's best-known plays, written at an uncertain date between 1594 and 1597. It is a comedy ("comedy" had a very different meaning at the time; see Shakespearean comedies) and is best known for its portrayal of the Jew Shylock, which has raised questions of anti-semitism. Shylock is a tormented character but is also a tormenter, so whether he is to be viewed with disdain or sympathy is up to the reader. Shakespeare puts one of his most eloquent speeches into the mouth of this "villain": Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs dimensions, senses, affections, passions; fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, heal'd by the same means warm'd and cool'd by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not revenge? Act III, scene I

Listen to Music

A very good website from Columbia's Library for classic music. So crazy about Gustav Mahler these days and here you can find his best works. http://internal.columbia.classical.com/index.php Very happy to buy a full series for the coming Metro Opera season. It includes 8 plays by my choice (I create the list) and at $15 per performance. Of course the seat is not good, but I am not 29 anymore and can not take the advantage of student discount. What a pity! Here are my choices: Rigoletto - Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:00 PM Madama Butterfly - Wednesday, November 8, 2006 8:00 PM Tosca - Wednesday, November 22, 2006 7:30 PM Idomeneo - Wednesday, December 6, 2006 8:00 PM Zauberflöte, Die - Wednesday, December 20, 2006 8:00 PM Eugene OneginDate: Tuesday, February 13, 2007 Barbiere di Siviglia, IlDate: Wednesday, March 14, 2007 Andrea Chénier - Wednesday, April 18, 2007 8:00 PM


purple heart Posted by Picasa

The last rose of the summer ???????? Posted by Picasa

sleeping beauty Posted by Picasa

shy Posted by Picasa

more Posted by Picasa

in detail Posted by Picasa

Flowers from friends Posted by Picasa

Roses from friends Posted by Picasa

Po and Mom Posted by Picasa

Po and Brenda Posted by Picasa

Enis, Yand and Po Posted by Picasa

Enis, Yan, Brenda, Po, Nana and Zhigang Posted by Picasa

With sunglasses Posted by Picasa

Without sunglass is terrible Posted by Picasa

Mom and Po Posted by Picasa

On platform Posted by Picasa

Brenda Posted by Picasa

Two Taiwan MM Posted by Picasa

Liu Na and Zhi Gang Posted by Picasa

Yan and BlueEye Enis Posted by Picasa

One day trip to Fire Island Posted by Picasa

Yan, Po and Liu Na, beach buddy Posted by Picasa

Yan and Po: yoga buddy Posted by Picasa

Lina, Leifan and Po Posted by Picasa

Li Na, Jingqin and Leifan Posted by Picasa