
Cinderella is a joke

I never think children’s fairytale can be so cruel. But ABT’s new production of Cinderella makes me rethink about the story and its meanings. Cinderella’s two sisters are treated so badly and everyone makes fun of them. They are just human, and they are just women in love and wish to be loved by Prince Charming. What’s wrong with that? The new production is set in 1920s, with all of its glory and luxury. But it doesn’t fit well with the story, and for the most part, the story line and the dance fall apart. Prokofiev’s music reminds me so much about Gershwin and he was so good at imitating his style—the New York City tone in twenties! It gives you a sense of pleasure of being guilty, abundant of love and lust, and a full expression of desire for material world. The stage design is colorful and overdone. There are too much everything on the stage—color, furniture, decoration, dancers. So many kinds came to ballet with their parents. In the first Act, they were excited by the funny duet of the evil sisters. And in the long ACT II, most of them got so bored. In the long search of ACT III, the little girl next to us began to ask her dad when this story would end. After all, I think I turn into an anti-fairytalist in the end. Because you can fit into a pair of shoes so you can win the world is too much for me. Maybe I am too cynical, but I just don’t get it as I was when I was small. I think fairytale is like religion, you should not think about it, you should just believe in it. And that is all!
