
No tme to blog

No time to blog, what a pity! Quickly list things I wish to write about: 1. Xu's blog is beautiful. She gets her style in both English and Chinese writting. It is kind of natural and delicate. 2. See Great Gatsby by Robert Redford and Mia Farrow yesterday and crazy about the old Redford. Can not believe he is 69 this year! The sentence on the DVD cover is "Gone is the romance that was so divine". Don't think I get it. Borrowed from library three books about the novel and one of them is compiled by Columbian scholars. One chapter titled: "History, herstory and other stories: From political Gatsby to Gay Gatsby in the 1970s". 3. The meeting with my advisor went well and mom started to apply passport and visa. I do my job too. wish to see her in summer, miss her already.
