

纽约的传统有一半来自于爱尔兰,所以一年一度的圣派特里克节游行和之后醉意醺醺的余兴节目就成了这个城市的传统之一。到处是绿色,是新鲜的榨浆草的颜色,在帽子上、大衣上、饼干上、甚至脸上。说起游行的起源,不妨看看纽约客自己牛气轰轰的介绍: THE SAINT PATRICK'S DAY PARADE IN NEW YORK The first recorded Saint Patrick's Day Parade in New York City took place fourteen years before the signing of the Declaration of Independence. On March 17,1762 a small group of Irish New Yorkers marched to the inn of one John Marshall/'at Mount Pleasant, near the College" (near the present-day intersection of Barclay and Church streets in lower Manhattan] where the day would be celebrated. Little else is known about that early parade, and in years earlier still there may have been similar marches and gatherings that have escaped record, but whatever else those solemn revelers accomplished on that late winter's day close on two and a half centuries ago, they began, or can be credited with beginning, here in New York, an annual celebration which has continued without interruption ever since. 今天我独守空房,在计算机房里认真做我的论文。有时奢侈的抬头看看外面无可挑剔的响晴白日,心里恨恨地想,也许游行也好看不到哪儿去。更何况以前也看过。哎,开始心里还是一直惦记着。吃不到的葡萄总是最好的呀!
