
Art for sale.

This is the Asia Week for art dealers around the world. Most of them come and check out the market. I noticed this when reading a column in NY Times and spent my Friday afternoon in the The International Asian Art Fair at Park Avenue. "The International Asian Art Fair is one of the key events of Asia Week each spring in New York city bringing together leading dealers from the United States, Europe and the Far East. It offers museums and private collectors a rare opportunity to view and buy from among the finest art treasures produced across the Near and Far East via India, the Himalayas, Tibet and South East Asia". The exhibition shows some treasures from China and other Asian countries. I like two gallaries who decidated to the sculptures from Tang Dynasty and WuDai. One of my favoriates are two riding figures, one man and one women. They dressed in similar customs and looked very peaceful. 这一对唐三彩的人物,好像在连绵的历史中为我打开了一扇想象的门,将他们的前生今世对我娓娓道来。他们微笑的表情和轻松的姿态,仿佛只是长安街头寻常的爱侣。在一千年之后的我看来,他们的美穿越了时间和空间。
