
Time lag

When you see I publish a blog at 8:16am in the morning, you know for sure I still hang over with my jet lag. It has been 4 days! Four bloody days, I fell into sleep as a mummy arond 6:00pm and waked up at the mid of the night, and can not have a moment of decent sleep. For the long boring hours before 6:00am, I have to treat myself with some stories and reflections to pass the time. During the hours I did sleep, I have very weired dreams. It feels as bad as participating a reality show. Excessive eating in the past two weeks make me have no appitite for any food and I was dying after running two miles on the treadmile. I have no interests in watching TV, since I am almost surely falling into sleep in the mid of the program. I feel someone is making a joke with me. Here comes the resturant week and friends are making reservations. They highlight the importance of getting spots this time, since I am leaving this town. I feel grateful while very sad. Since last week, I started to tell friends that I am going back to China after graduation this May. My feeling about this is not neutral. But I learn to leave with it, as part of pains from growing up. 望 卞之琳 小时候我总爱看夏日的晴空, 把它当作是一幅自然的地点: 蓝的一片是大洋,白云一朵朵 大的是洲,小的是岛屿在海中; 大陆上颜色深的是山岭山丛, 许多孔隙裂缝是冷落的江湖, 还有港湾像是望风帆的归途, 等它们报告发现新土的成功。 如今,正像是老话的苍海桑田, 满怀的花草换得了一把荒烟, 就是此刻我也得像一只迷羊 辗转在灰沙里,幸亏还有蔚蓝, 还有仿佛的云峰浮在缥渺间, 倒可以抬头望望这一个仙乡。
