
25 years are possible!

My boss at TC library, Yodit, celebrated her 25 year anniversary at TC today. Ximena and I sent her a bunch of Calla Lilies as gift. We both don't believe we could be able to work for one organization for 25 years. It is likely FOREVER! Anyway, it is nice to know someone can do it.
Ozlem may get married in July. However, her boyfriend will soon be relocated from American base in Germany to Iraq and stay there for 15 months. Once they get married, Ozlem will return to Turkey and teach for two years. So they are closer in geographic distance this time (Istanbul and Baghdad). I don't know whether this is gonna to work. If everything goes well, they will return to U.S. and start to pay back Ozlem's Turkish government loan ($250,000). It may take another 3 to 4 years to get her greencard and then citizenship. She is 35 years old and her plan for future really takes time. I hope this lovely girl's dream will come true ASAP. Compared with her life, my life is as simple as ABC.
I get my first pair of TEVA today. They are comfortable sport shoes and expensive. I get a discount pair from Amazon, but they are not as lovely as the new trend for 2007. I am out of date anyway.
I read about the life of Hector Lavoe, the salsa master singer in 1970s. He was quite a character. It is interesting to find out the salsa (sauce in spanish, spicy) stems out Cuben son and other music forms. Cuban musicians are the first to develop and introduce them to New York city and through New York spead out into other parts of US and Latin American countries. After 1962 "Cuban Missile crisis", the connection between Cuba and US was lost. Then, Purto Rican musicians, such as HectorLavoe, started to become popular. Also, in mid and late 1960, Latino youth used salsa as a form of counterculture instrument and so salsa became the core of El Barrio, the spanish Haarlem.
Also, I started to listen to Estrella Morente who is the sound behind Raimunda in the film Volver. Her voice is so unique and she really masters the sentimental side of flamingo songs. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rUAv-AF732A&mode=related&search=
