
Das Rheingold

I went to see Das Rheingold, the first of the four operas that comprise Der Ring des Nibelungen (The Ring of the Nibelung), by Richard Wagner. 一句话评论:中唐以来,礼崩乐坏,狂狡有作,自己制则,而事不稽古
From a NY Times article in 2004 by ANTHONY TOMMASINI : "With the news dominated by broken treaties, ethnic oppression, raw power grabs and security threats, the Metropolitan Opera's production of Wagner's ''Ring'' has come back at an opportune time. Of course this monumental four-part cycle almost always seems relevant, for there are not many matters it doesn't explore. " One of the interesting experiences at Met is to meet new people who love music and love to share their experiences with you. I met a lady named Dorothy yesterday and she generously shared her binocular with me. She practiced music when she was young and now she retired and enjoyed her life. She knew the scores and the performers well and told me where were the tipping points I should pay attention to. Last year, she went to China with a youth orchestra from California and toured southeast China, includind SHanghai, Jiang Yin, Hong zhou, Beijing. The kids were mostly Asian and their parents were Aisan immigrants working at silicon valley. So the tour was a combination of music exchange and shopping at home town. Dorothy seemed to like the the production of Die Ring last year at San Fransico better. After all, the stage design of yesterday was so simple and the Russians refused to put up the symbolic Rainbow in the end of the Rheingold. What a pity! If there was rainbow flag in San Francisco, there shoud be rainbow flag in New York.
