

昨晚去听Blue Note。很久以前和朋友去过一次,印象不错。昨天定的1030的票,10点到的,门口的对已经排了2里地。原来用学生证周一至周四可以半价,我哭!晚上是买一赠一的演出,有两个乐队出演,RON CARTER Trio A CHRISTIAN MCBRIDE Situation

根据Blue Note的介绍, “Ron Carter is among the most original, prolific, and influential bassists in jazz. With more than 2,000 albums to his credit, he has recorded with many of music's greats: Tommy Flanagan, Gil Evans, Lena Horne, Bill Evans, B.B. King, the Kronos Quartet, Dexter Gordon, Wes Montgomery, and Bobby Timmons. In the early 1960s he performed throughout the United States in concert halls and nightclubs with Jaki Byard and Eric Dolphy. He later toured Europe with Cannonball Adderley. From 1963 to 1968, he was a member of the classic and acclaimed Miles Davis Quintet. He was named Outstanding Bassist of the Decade by the Detroit News, Jazz Bassist of the Year by Downbeat magazine, and Most Valuable Player by the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences. In 1993 Ron Carter earned a Grammy award for Best Jazz Instrumental Group, the Miles Davis Tribute Band and another Grammy in 1998 for Call 'Sheet Blues', an instrumental composition from the film 'Round Midnight. In addition to scoring and arranging music for many films, including some projects for Public Broadcasting System, Carter has composed music for A Gathering of Old Men, starring Lou Gosset Jr., The Passion of Beatrice directed by Bertrand Tavernier, and Blind Faith starring Courtney B. Vance. Carter shares his expertise in the series of books he authored, among which are Building Jazz Bass Lines and The Music of Ron Carter; the latter contains 130 of his published and recorded compositions. ” 卡特是一个老人,弹钢琴的Mulgrew Miller看起来比他还老,吉他手Russell Malone也有一种未老先衰的气质。三个人加起来大概快两百岁了。他们的演奏非常慢,非常缓慢,感觉像是秋季那种能下一整天的阴雨。三个人上得台来,也不解说, 径自弹奏起来。卡特自始至终都没有抬头睁眼,他完全沉浸在自己的小宇宙里头。他不断轻柔地或者沉重地抚摸着琴弦,好像是在和自己的bass对话,和那颗在木头乐器里面跳动的音乐之心对话。有一首曲子完全是他个人的独奏,他一会儿用bass当打击乐器,一会儿用BASS 当弦乐乐器,敲击到高兴的时候,自顾自地闭着眼睛傻笑。


轉軸撥弦三兩聲,未成曲調先有情。 弦弦掩抑聲聲思,似訴平生不得志。 低眉信手續續彈,說盡心中無限事。 輕攏慢抹復挑,初為《霓裳》后《六幺》。 大弦嘈嘈如急雨,小弦切切如私語。 嘈嘈切切錯雜彈,大珠小珠落玉盤。 間關鶯語花底滑,幽咽泉流冰下難。 冰泉冷澀弦凝絕,凝絕不通聲漸歇。 別有幽愁暗恨生,此時無聲勝有聲。 銀瓶乍破水漿迸,鐵騎突出刀槍鳴。 曲終收撥當心畫,四弦一聲如裂帛。 東船西舫悄無言,唯見江心秋月白。



The finest musicians to spring from the world of jazz have clearly had an advantage when it comes to branching into other genres of music. Their mastery of composition, arranging and sight reading coupled with their flair for improvisation and spontaneous creation make them possibly the most seasoned and adaptable musicians in the art. Grammy Award winner Christian McBride, chameleonic virtuoso of the acoustic and electric bass, stands tall at the top of this clique. Beginning in 1989 – the beginning of an amazing career in which he still has wider-reaching goals to attain - the Philadelphian has thus far been first-call-requested to accompany literally hundreds of fine artists, ranging in an impressive array from McCoy Tyner and Sting to Kathleen Battle and Diana Krall. However, it is his own recordings – albums that encompass a diverse canon of original compositions and imaginatively arranged covers – that reveal the totality of his musicianship. He currently leads one of the hottest bands in music - the propulsive Christian McBride Band (saxophonist Ron Blake, keyboardist Geoffrey Keezer and drummer Terreon Gully).


在演出接近尾声的时候,马克布赖德演奏了一首自己的作品,Milagro (Miracle)。此曲一出,他那副小混混的架式立即消失了,显出了一个严肃音乐家的本色。我没法准确地形容出这支曲子当时所带给我的震撼。它给人的感觉不是地震后的海啸,而是不断冲上沙滩的潮汐。往日时光所带给人的悔恨、伤心、愉快、感叹,累积起来, 交替出现,五味杂陈,在心底投下一颗深水炸弹。不思索倒也罢了,一动脑筋,心就会绞痛起来,好像中了《神雕侠侣》里面的情花之毒。那曲子像探针一样,毫不留情地挑开了以往伤口上的茧子,过去的种种鲜血淋漓地出现在眼前。这哪里是奇迹,分明是置人于死地的杀招儿。

我忙不迭地吞下了一大口红酒,才将要跳出来的心脏压了回去,早知道最后是这样的音乐,不如刚刚提前退场。这一首Milagro 定下了我这一夜的基调,我觉得自己的小灵魂正躲在暗室的角落里哭泣。人就是想不开,如果有大智慧,怎么会被一首曲子随意调动了心事?从酒吧里出来,想到了苏轼的《定风波》,结尾处他吟道:






