
Missed the chance to meet drunkpiano

Yijia couple had dinnfer with Drunkpiano and her BF yesterday and I was not able to make it. I was running along the riverside park and enjoyed the opportunity to get sunborned. Maybe it is not so bad, since I still have the imaginary space to think about what her personality is and what kinds of topics we will entertain each other. Keeping reading Han suyin's My House had Two Doors. Since the publication of her first novel, she gradually became an activist in east Asian region. Her writing opens many doors to understand the tricky situations in 50s and 60s in China, Sigapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong. Just cannot believe someone can ever live such a multi-facet life as she did. She was in the constant currents of the historical moments, yet she put her self-reflection into the big picture of her time. And she wrote frankly about her love and sex life. It was 50s and 60s!
