







以下摘录父母语录若干: I buy reduced vegetables at the store. The last two winters, I have grown lettuce in coldframes over the winter. I look for things on sale. We literally eat rice and beans and have not been eating out like we used to do frequently. I take my own lunch to work. I did not choose Columbia--my daughter did in spite of my protestations to go to a ''state'' school within Michigan. Just hauling her belongings back and forth is expensive. The carpets in our house have spills on them and need cleaning; the walls in our house need painting. Ordinarily we would have hired someone to clean the carpets and paint the walls, and we could not do that. I have just let them go because I am gone all day and I am 60 years old--I cannot drive a hundred miles to work daily and take care of these things, too. I have darned my socks and sewn repairs in unmentionables. We have accepted free T-shirts from Microsoft and other similar places so that we did not have to buy clothes. So yes, we have definitely made sacrifices. /////// She just graduated on 5/16/2007. It is a relief. We are broke. If we had known how little Columbia University cared about the financial impact upon our family was, we would NEVER have agreed to her attending the university despite her dream of graduating from an Ivy League institution and her academic giftedness. My husband will be 74 years old in a week. I am 58 years old. We will NEVER recover from the economic impact that her eduation has had upon our savings, our retirement, the upkeep on our home, our future. There is NO time for us to recover. There NEVER will be. Our older daughter has suffered from our inability to help her with her law school tuition due to the drain on our finances caused by the Columbia tuition, expenses, etc. It was not and is not and never will be possible for us to make an equitable contribution to our older daughter's law school education because Columbia has drained us dry. We have had to sacrifice all hope of ever being able to have a comfortable existence in retirement. It has not and will not be possible in our lifetimes for us to do anything that we had hoped to do. This year I am being forced OUT OF MY JOB, due to a reorganization. Columbia University has sucked us dry and I wish the university would STOP sending requests for donations. I will NEVER donate money to the place because of how we were treated financially. The University of Illinois treats its students better. Every encounter we had with the Financial Aid Office at Columbia University was a nightmare. Billing was inaccurate. We were treated as criminals. //////// Because I married and had my children in my late 30's and early 40's, my husband and I decided we needed to immediately begin saving for our retirement by not taking family vacations or decorating our home, etc. While others went to Hawaii, we saved. Unfortunately, I also became totally disable and had to stop working. When it came time for our children' to begin college, we found that our savings prevented us from obtaining financial aid. In other words, our other friends, who took luxurious vacations and did not save, received financial aid for their children's college. We, on the other hand, were told that because we had money set aside for my retirement, were not entitled to financial aid. It did not matter to to the university that I was disabled and needed the money to live on. ////// The only reason we are not strapped and making huge sacrifices to send our children to college right now, is that we saved most of what they needed for college over the first ten or twelve years of their lives by investing in the PAX Fund. If we had waited until now to come up with the money, we wouldn't have been eligible for financial aid and we would have had to borrow it all from the banks. We were well advised as a couple with young children to start saving immediately for their education, and thankfully we did that! /////// Although our sacrifices were great, I would do it all over again. I just wish that universities would take into account all other obligations, including what it cost for raising other children in the household and what it cost to help take care of sick parents. I feel that there is so much done for people who make less than $50,000 a year and people who are rich usually can afford to pay for college but the middle class is always neglected. Those of us who make between $50,001 and $90,000 a year usually get very little help and end up owing weigh more than we can afford to pay back. It is always a tough thing to have to chose wether you can take care of an ailing parent or send your child to an excellent ivy league school.
