这一系列的作品成为“DREAM JOURNEY”,包括中国元、明、清时代所创作的以市外桃园为主题若干组画(中国早期的连环画)。这一幅是讲述元初两个南宋遗民阮籍和朋友逃到世外桃源,碰到仙女,在她们身边盘桓半日,出得山来,发现地上已经过了70年,妻离子散,想回到桃花源,但是再也找不到它了。最妙的是英文的翻译,两仙女初见二人,嗔怪道:“You are coming so late!”
I,Ich, Yo, 我! It is difficult to introduce myself since I am the person who is least likely to see myself upfront, unless with the help of a mirror. Kitchen is my home and I find great fun in making different combination of things there. It is the place where I am in full control and there is endless possibilites I can try out.
I love my mom and my grandmom and we are trinity in the sense that we follow our fate and repeat it in a cycle. I can see my middle age and my old age from them, and they see their younger years from me. Life is such a crude thing that it is never possible to go back to the past or jump into the future. We bear with it, with tears and tolerance, and the hope that someday we can fly out of the cycle.